Monday, September 24, 2012

Freaker's Ball...
Art By: Cat Free is donating an 8'' x 10'' Acrylic Painting and Jen's Bent is framing the piece to induct into the Freaker's Ball Raffle to raise funds for AIDS THUNDER BAY.

Come out on Friday, September 28th to the Black Pirates Pub, support the cause and see some amazing performances!!!

For more info, check out Frankly Scarlet Productions on Facebook:!/groups/25048897843/

More Soon!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Christmas Decorations, GALORE!...
My poor partner, having to endure our dining room table completely covered in my artwork.  LOL  Anyway, I have been hard at work getting ready for the Christmas season as last year, each Craft Show I participated in brought about much chastisement from the old crusts who think paying money for goods is outrageously unreasonable.  So to appease my growing audience and patronship, I have been hard at work on Christmas Decorations, hand-painted by yours truly.  Here is just some of my new renderings but I have just (like JUST, in the last 2 hours-just) started a new style of painting so more on those later. 

For now, here is some of the stuff I have been working on:

More Soon!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Cinematic Installment...

This motion picture is a silent depiction of some of my artistic renderings...LOL  Enjoy!

More Soon,


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Deep Creative: Surface Your Brand...
Miss Miranda Bolt, a very talented, local graphic artist, photographer and web designer has just hit the Thunder Bay beat with her fresh style and passionate eye. 

For those of you looking for Logo, Web or Print design, y'all should check out her website at:

When first I saw the caliber of Miranda's photography, the first thing that came to mind was an eye for class.  I love the boutique feeling of many of her photographs; like the feeling of downtown Paris or an English Tea House could happen anywhere and make anyone of us feel the fresh yet classic air she felt when they were taken. 

For more information, check out her blog at:

Contact Miranda at:
For a scheduled meeting, please see below hours:
Weekdays 9:00am - 3:00pm, 7:00 - 9:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday (not available directly)
Cell: (807) 472-2747

Thanks as always for reading!

More Soon!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yeah, my newest video creation has been born.  Starring, once again, Seamus the Wonder Brat.  This cat is ridiculous.

More Soon!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

It Ain't Easy...
I have come to realize that starving artist is beyond the truth LOL.  It would be so easy to get discouraged about being "unsuccessful" but I suppose it matters more how each one of us views success.  Surprisingly, I haven't had my feelings hurt but people who don't like my work; caring not likely stems back to the thing my dad always used to say to me when some jerk would say something that could be taken as hurtful, he'd say, "Consider the source."  Well isn't that the truth.  If we all considered the source, perhaps we'd all have much greater self esteem and much more faith in the work we produce. 

I Will Tell You...
What I'm not...I am not a photo-realist artist nor am I an abstract artist in the strictest sense.  I am not always happy with the way shows turn out and I am not the kind of artist who works for free.  What I AM, however, is determined to someday make a living of my creativity.  I am sure that will happen.  I am sure that I love being an artist and the people who support my vision.  I am sure that if a bunch of us fringe artists band together, we will eventually take the art world by storm.  I am the type of artist who draws, paints, creates what strikes me and lets the medium tell me what it wants me to do.  Much like the art of cooking, I let the ingredients tell me what they want me to do with them. 

Some Examples...
Often, I draw something I find challenging and it turns out far better than I could have anticipated so I take it farther; colour, texture, paint, ink, shading...whatever.  Some examples of this would be the work I do in watercolour and ink.  It's really the most planned of all all of my artwork and I mean planned in the sense of they all start out as a pencil drawing and are then transformed by ink, watercolour, marker and the like.  These medium choices allow me to play with light and dark, shadow, shading and what is visually grasping.


Many more of these will be for sale on my website at :
And you can check me out on Facebook at:
Keep an eye out for an artist feature coming up on Miss Miranda Bolt of Deep Creative: Mirmade Collections.
More Soon!